Storage and transport of frozen goods is probably the most difficult aspect of transport.  Products like ice cream start to suffer heat shock damage at anything warmer than -14°C, and ice cream volumes are highest when Northland’s ambient temperatures can be up over 30°C, with high humidity to boot.  Our vehicles are capable of maintaining -25°C.   Other frozen goods are also sensitive to temperature stability, but most are capable of avoiding damage to as warm as -12°C, as long as temperatures don’t fluctuate by too much.

Most of our units are set up to run multi-temp, meaning the truck body has two separate compartments with their own dedicated evaporators.  This enables the front unit to run at -22C while the rear runs at +3C.  We also run truck and trailer units that give us four separate temperature zones.  This can be important for product like eggs or bananas that prefer temps in the +9°C – 12°C area.